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The Permanent antistatic ETFE Polymer

Polymer e sa feleng ea Antistatic

The Permanent antistatic ETFE Polymer

Re fa bareki lihlahisoa tse ntšo tsa ESD ETFE polymer.

'Me boleng ba ho hanyetsa holimo bo ka fihla ho 1E + 3 ~ 1E + 11.

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

    Ho hlahisa tlhahiso ea rona ea morao-rao ea thepa ea antistatic - Permanent Antistatic ETFE. Sehlahisoa sena se tsoetseng pele se etselitsoe ho fihlela tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea litharollo tse tšepahalang tsa antistatic liindasteri tse fapaneng. Ka khanyetso ea holim'a metsi ho tloha ho 2E + 9 ho ea ho 1E + 11, thepa ea rona ea ETFE e fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang ho thibela ho hahoa ha static, ho netefatsa sebaka se sireletsehileng le se sebetsang sa mosebetsi.


    E 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa thepa ea rona ea ETFE ke ho feto-fetoha ha eona. E na le thepa e ntle ea mochini mme e ka dauoa habonolo ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa mebala. Bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse hlokang thepa ea conductive, thepa ea rona ea ETFE e fumaneha ka botšo, e fana ka tharollo e tšepahalang bakeng sa ho theha lihlahisoa tsa antistatic.

    Ho feta moo, Permanent Antistatic ETFE ea rona e etselitsoe ho boloka ts'ebetso ea eona ea antistatic ho sa tsotelehe mocheso le mongobo o teng, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng libakeng tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso. Ho tšepahala hona ho etsa hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo ho nepahala le ho tsitsana ho leng bohlokoa haholo.


    Ho fana ka litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa antistatic, re boetse re fana ka "antistatic functional masterbatch" e tsepamisitsoeng e ka ekeletsoang ho thepa, e fana ka likhetho tsa maemo le maemo bakeng sa bareki ba rona. Hore na ke ho bopa ente, extrusion, kapa lits'ebetso tse ling tsa ho bopa, thepa ea rona ea ETFE e etselitsoe ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang le ts'ebeliso e bonolo.

    Ka thepa ea eona e ikhethang ea antistatic, ho latela tikoloho, le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, Permanent Antistatic ETFE ea rona ke khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa liindasteri tse batlang litharollo tse tšepahalang le tse tšoarellang tsa antistatic. Eba le phapang ka thepa ea rona e ncha ea ETFE 'me u phahamisetse lihlahisoa tsa hau maemong a macha a ts'ebetso le ts'epahalo.


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