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The Permanent antistatic POM Polymer

Polymer e sa feleng ea Antistatic

The Permanent antistatic POM Polymer

Re fana ka polymer ea kamehla ea antistatic POM, e nang le boleng ba ho hanyetsa holim'a metsi pakeng tsa 1E+8 ~ 1E+11.

Re boetse re fana ka polima ea polima ea POM e ntšo (1E+3 ~ 1E+6).

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

    Ho hlahisa boqapi ba rona ba morao-rao lefapheng la thepa e khahlanong le static - Permanent Anti-Static POM. Sehlahisoa sena sa maemo a holimo se etselitsoe ho khotsofatsa tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea ts'ebetso e phahameng, e baballang tikoloho, le tharollo e fapaneng ea anti-static.

    POM ea rona ea Permanent Anti-Static e entsoe ho fihlela khanyetso ea bokaholimo ba 2E+7~1E+11, e e etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso moo taolo ea motlakase o sa fetoheng e leng bohlokoa. Ebang ke indastering ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, tsa likoloi, kapa tsa thepa ea bareki, sehlahisoa sena se fana ka thepa e ts'epahalang le e tšoarellang ea nako e telele ea anti-static, e netefatsa polokeho le bots'epehi ba likarolo le lihlahisoa tse hlokolosi.


    E 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa POM ea rona ea Permanent Anti-Static ke ho latela litlhoko tsa ROSH le REACH, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tala le e se nang tikoloho bakeng sa bahlahisi le basebelisi ba ho qetela. Ho phaella moo, bosoeu ba eona bo phahameng le ho hanyetsa mosehla ho etsa hore e be khetho e khahlehang bakeng sa lihlahisoa moo botle bo bohlokoa.

    Mabapi le ts'ebetso, Permanent Anti-Static POM ea rona e ithorisa ka thepa e ntle ea mochini mme e ka dauoa habonolo ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa mebala. Bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse hlokang thepa ea conductive, re fana ka mofuta o motšo oa sehlahisoa. Ho feta moo, ho ba sieo ha lintho tse nang le pula ho netefatsa qetello e boreleli le e tsitsitseng, ha phello ea anti-static e lula e sa amehe haholo ke mocheso le mongobo o teng.


    Ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa anti-static, re boetse re fana ka "antistatic functional masterbatch", e lumellang bareki ho iketsetsa le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea anti-static ea lihlahisoa tsa bona ho latela litlhoko tsa bona tse ikhethileng.

    Ka POM ea rona ea Permanent Anti-Static, o ka ba le ts'epo ea ho ts'epahala, ho tšoarella, le ho feto-fetoha ha litharollo tsa hau tsa anti-static, ha o ntse o kenya letsoho bokamosong bo tsitsitseng le bo tsotellang tikoloho. Eba le phapang ka thepa ea rona e ncha ea anti-static 'me u phahamisetse ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tsa hau ho ea holimo.


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