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The Permanent antistatic Transparent PET Polymer

Polymer e sa feleng ea Antistatic

The Permanent antistatic Transparent PET Polymer

Re fana ka PET e hlakileng haholo le e sa feleng ea antistatic, e nang le boleng ba ho hanyetsa bokaholimo pakeng tsa 2E+8 ~1E+11.

Hape re fana ka polymer e ntšo ea PET (1E+3 ~ 1E+6).

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa


    Re hlahisa tlhahiso ea rona ea morao-rao ea theknoloji ea antistatic - Permanent Antistatic PET. Sehlahisoa sena sa mantlha se etselitsoe ho fihlela tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea litharollo tse tšepahalang tsa antistatic liindasteri tse fapaneng.

    Permanent Antistatic PET ea rona ha e loketse PET feela, empa hape le PCT, PBT, le tse ling, e etsa hore e be khetho e fapaneng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea likopo. Ka khanyetso ea holim'a metsi ho tloha ho 2E + 8 ho ea ho 1E + 11, sehlahisoa sena se tiisa taolo e sebetsang e tsitsitseng, e fana ka phello e tsitsitseng le e tsitsitseng ea antistatic.


    ROHS le litlhoko tsa REACH, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e sireletsehileng le e se nang botsoalle. Ho hanyetsa mocheso o babatsehang le thepa e ntle ea mechine e ntlafatsa ho tšoaneleha ha eona bakeng sa mekhoa e fapaneng ea tlhahiso.

    Ntle le thepa ea eona ea tlhaho, Permanent Antistatic PET ea rona e ka dauoa ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa mebala, e fana ka maemo a bonolo ho moralo le ts'ebeliso. Lihlahisoa tsa conductive li fumaneha ka botšo, li iphelisa ka likhetho tse fapaneng tsa botle.

    Ho feta moo, sehlahisoa sa rona se etselitsoe ho boloka phello ea sona ea antistatic ka tšusumetso e fokolang ho tloha mocheso le mongobo o teng, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng libakeng tse fapaneng. Bakeng sa boiketlo bo eketsehileng, re boetse re fana ka concentrated antistatic functional masterbatch, e lumellang bareki ho iketsetsa boemo ba thepa ea antistatic ho latela litlhoko tsa bona tse khethehileng.

    Hore na ke ea ho ohla, ho bopa ente, extrusion, kapa lits'ebetso tse ling, Permanent Antistatic PET ea rona e etselitsoe ho fana ka ts'ebetso e ts'epahalang le e tšoarellang nako e telele ea antistatic. Ka tharollo ena e ncha, re ikemiselitse ho fa bareki ba rona tharollo ea antistatic e ka tšeptjoang le eo motho a ka e khethang e fihlelang litlhoko tse tsoelang pele tsa liindasteri tsa sejoale-joale.


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