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The Permanent antistatic Transparent PMMA Polymer

Polymer e sa feleng ea Antistatic

The Permanent antistatic Transparent PMMA Polymer

Re fana ka PMMA e bonaletsang haholo le ea ka ho sa feleng ea antistatic, e nang le boleng bo holimo ba ho hanyetsa pakeng tsa 1E+8 ~1E+11.

Re boetse re fana ka polymer e ntšo e tsamaisang PMMA (1E+3~1E+6).

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa


    Ho hlahisa boqapi ba rona ba morao-rao lefapheng la thepa ea antistatic - The Permanently Antistatic Transparent PMMA. Sehlahisoa sena sa maemo a holimo se etselitsoe ho khotsofatsa tlhoko e ntseng e hola ea thepa e fanang ka thepa e phahameng ea antistatic ha e ntse e le botsoalle tikolohong le lits'ebetsong tsa bona.

    The Permanently Antistatic Transparent PMMA e etselitsoe ho fihlela khanyetso ea holim'a 2E+8 ~ 1E+11, e etsa hore e sebetse haholo ho thibela ho ata ha motlakase o sa fetoheng. Karolo ena e etsa hore e be e loketseng ho sebelisoa liindastering tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, liphutheloana le likoloi, moo motlakase o sa fetoheng o ka bakang tšenyo ea likarolo kapa lihlahisoa tse bobebe.


    Ntle le thepa ea eona e ikhethang ea antistatic, thepa ena e ncha e boetse e lumellana le litlhoko tsa ROHS le REACH, ho netefatsa hore e bolokehile bakeng sa basebelisi le tikoloho. Sebopeho sa eona se setala le se baballang tikoloho se etsa hore e be khetho e ratoang ke lik'hamphani tse batlang ho fokotsa khabone le ho fihlela lipheo tsa ts'ebetso.

    Ho feta moo, Permanently Antistatic Transparent PMMA e ithorisa ka thepa e ntle ea mochini, e e etsa hore e tšoarelle le ho tšoarella nako e telele lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng. E ka boela ea dauoa ho fihlela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa 'mala, e fana ka maemo a bonolo ho moralo le botleng.


    E 'ngoe ea melemo ea bohlokoa ea sehlahisoa sena ke tšusumetso ea eona e fokolang ho tloha mocheso oa mocheso le mongobo ho phello ea eona ea antistatic. Sena se tiisa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng maemong a fapaneng a tikoloho, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tšepahalang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bohlokoa.

    Ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa bareki ba rona, re boetse re fana ka "antistatic functionable masterbatch" e ka kenyelletsoang thepa bakeng sa litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa antistatic. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho lumella bareki ba rona ho hlophisa thepa ea antistatic ea thepa ho latela litlhoko tsa bona tse ikhethileng, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng lits'ebetsong tsa bona.

    Qetellong, Permanently Antistatic Transparent PMMA ke phetoho-papali tšimong ea thepa ea antistatic, e fanang ka ts'ebetso e ke keng ea lekanngoa, ts'ebetso ea tikoloho, le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo. Hore na o batla tharollo e tšepahalang ea antistatic bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, ho paka, kapa liindasteri tse ling, thepa ena e ncha ke khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau.


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